Air Astana Tashkent Office in Uzbekistan

Location: 4a Afrosiab Str., Mirobad District, 100031, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

Phone: 998711403002

Office Hours: Every day - 24hrs

Call Now

Air Astana Tashkent Office Address, Contact And Reservation

Where is Air Astana Tashkent Office in Uzbekistan :-It is Located in 4a Afrosiab Str., Mirobad District, 100031, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Tel+998 (71) 140 30 02
Air Astana Official Website
Working hoursEvery day – 24hrs

Air Astana Tashkent Airport Details

Airport NameIslam Karimov Tashkent International Airport
Airport Address13 Kumarik Ko’chasi, Тошкент 100167, Uzbekistan
Airport Contact Number+998 78 140 28 01
Airport CodeTAS
Airport Website
Online Check-in with Air Astana
Air Astana’s flight status
Air Astana’s flight Timetable
Offices Handled by Air Astana

Stewarding air travel can always be difficult since the policies and services offered by the airlines can be diverse. But wait! There’s no need to worry about that! Visit the Air Astana Tashkent Office in Uzbekistan for support from the official team. Due to high levels of professional experience, the staff is in a good position to address all. The questions and issues concerning your intended flight. For any details concerning the airline’s policies, for calling or canceling a reservation, for close available lounges. Or any other services the airport might offer, the office has a friendly team to give assistance. You can just go to the office, or call for help and any concerns or problems while traveling can be addressed immediately.

Air Astana Head Office Details

Air Astana Head Office AddressAlmaty, Kazakhstan
Air Astana Office Contact Number+7 702 702 0074

Air Astana Baggage Allowance

View Delta Airlines HandCabin baggageExcess baggage charges
Checked baggageOverweight baggage chargesOversize baggage charges

Air Astana Baggage Services Information

Queries Handled By Air Astana Tashkent Office in Uzbekistan Service Desk

Flight Ticket BookingOk to BoardFlight Ticket Cancellation
Airport LoungesVisa ServicesBaggage Allowance, Online Check-in
Airport TransfersMeet and GreetDuty-Free Allowance
Immigration ServicesBusiness ClassIn-Flight Meals
Missing LuggageAirport LoungesFlight/Visa Info
MilesEconomy ClassDelayed Flights
Airport FacilitiesIn-Flight EntertainmentAirport Wifi
Valet ParkingVisa on ArrivalFlight Wifi

For a worry-free journey, you should go to the Air Astana Tashkent Office in Uzbekistan. Using the above guidelines, you can communicate with the officials, to achieve a comfortable and hassle-free time on the road.


Q: Where is the Air Astana headquartered?

A: The Air Astana head office is in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Q: Does Air Astana offer flights to Tashkent Office?

A: Yes, Air Astana flies to Tashkent Office.

Q: What is the contact number of the Air Astana Tashkent Office in Uzbekistan?

A: The Air Astana Tashkent Office contact number is +998 (71) 140 30 02

Q: Where is the Air Astana Tashkent Office?

A: Air Astana Office address is 4a Afrosiab Str., Mirobad District, 100031, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

Q: What are the Air Astana office operating hours?

A: The Air Astana Office operates 24/7 every day.

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